1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
//! Helper functions for common tasks utilizing extern symbols,
//! e.g. searching for calls to a specific extern symbol.
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use crate::intermediate_representation::*;
/// Find the extern symbol object for a symbol name and return the symbol tid and name.
pub fn find_symbol<'a>(prog: &'a Term<Program>, name: &str) -> Option<(&'a Tid, &'a str)> {
let mut symbol: Option<(&'a Tid, &'a str)> = None;
prog.term.extern_symbols.iter().find(|(_tid, sym)| {
if name == sym.name {
symbol = Some((&sym.tid, &sym.name));
} else {
/// Match direct calls' target tids in the program's subroutines
/// with the tids of the external symbols given to the function.
/// When a match was found, add a triple of (caller name, callsite tid, callee name)
/// to a vector. Lastly, return the vector with all callsites of all given external symbols.
pub fn get_calls_to_symbols<'a, 'b>(
sub: &'a Term<Sub>,
symbols: &'b HashMap<&'a Tid, &'a str>,
) -> Vec<(&'a str, &'a Tid, &'a str)> {
let mut calls: Vec<(&'a str, &'a Tid, &'a str)> = Vec::new();
for blk in sub.term.blocks.iter() {
for jmp in blk.term.jmps.iter() {
if let Jmp::Call { target: dst, .. } = &jmp.term {
if symbols.contains_key(dst) {
calls.push((sub.term.name.as_str(), &jmp.tid, symbols.get(dst).unwrap()));
/// Get a map from TIDs to the corresponding extern symbol struct.
/// Only symbols with names contained in `symbols_to_find` are contained in the
/// map.
/// This is O(|symbols_to_find| x |extern_symbols|), prefer
/// [`get_symbol_map_fast`] if speed matters.
pub fn get_symbol_map<'a>(
project: &'a Project,
symbols_to_find: &[String],
) -> HashMap<Tid, &'a ExternSymbol> {
let mut tid_map = HashMap::new();
for symbol_name in symbols_to_find {
if let Some((tid, symbol)) =
.find_map(|(_tid, symbol)| {
if symbol.name == *symbol_name {
Some((symbol.tid.clone(), symbol))
} else {
tid_map.insert(tid, symbol);
/// Get a map from TIDs to the corresponding extern symbol struct.
/// Only symbols with names contained in `symbols_to_find` are contained in the
/// map.
/// More efficient than [`get_symbol_map`], prefer this if `symbols_to_find` is
/// huge since this is O(|extern_symbols|) and not
/// O(|symbols_to_find|x|extern_symbols|).
pub fn get_symbol_map_fast<'a>(
project: &'a Project,
symbols_to_find: &HashSet<String>,
) -> HashMap<Tid, &'a ExternSymbol> {
.filter_map(|(_tid, symbol)| {
if symbols_to_find.contains(&symbol.name) {
Some((symbol.tid.clone(), symbol))
} else {
/// Find calls to TIDs contained as keys in the given symbol map.
/// For each match return the block containing the call,
/// the jump term representing the call itself and the symbol corresponding to the TID from the symbol map.
pub fn get_callsites<'a>(
sub: &'a Term<Sub>,
symbol_map: &HashMap<Tid, &'a ExternSymbol>,
) -> Vec<(&'a Term<Blk>, &'a Term<Jmp>, &'a ExternSymbol)> {
let mut callsites = Vec::new();
for blk in sub.term.blocks.iter() {
for jmp in blk.term.jmps.iter() {
if let Jmp::Call { target: dst, .. } = &jmp.term {
if let Some(symbol) = symbol_map.get(dst) {
callsites.push((blk, jmp, *symbol));