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//! This module implements a check for CWE-426: Untrusted Search Path.
//! Basically, the program searches for critical resources on an untrusted search
//! path that can be adjusted by an adversary. For example, see Nebula Level 1
//! (<https://exploit-exercises.com/nebula/level01/>).
//! According to the manual page of system() the following problems can arise:
//! "Do not use system() from a program with set-user-ID or set-group-ID privileges,
//! because strange values for some environment variables might be used to subvert
//! system integrity. Use the exec(3) family of functions instead, but not execlp(3)
//! or execvp(3). system() will not, in fact, work properly from programs with set-user-ID
//! or set-group-ID privileges on systems on which /bin/sh is bash version 2, since bash 2
//! drops privileges on startup. (Debian uses a modified bash which does not do this when invoked as sh.)"
//! See <https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/426.html> for a detailed description.
//! ## How the check works
//! We check whether a function that calls a privilege-changing function (configurable
//! in config.json) also calls system().
//! ## False Positives
//! - If the call to system() happens before the privilege-changing function, the call
//! may not be used for privilege escalation
//! ## False Negatives
//! - If the calls to the privilege-changing function and system() happen in different
//! functions, the calls will not be flagged as a CWE-hit.
//! - This check only finds potential privilege escalation bugs, but other types of
//! bugs can also be triggered by untrusted search paths.
use crate::intermediate_representation::*;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::utils::log::{CweWarning, LogMessage};
use crate::utils::symbol_utils::{find_symbol, get_calls_to_symbols};
use crate::CweModule;
use std::collections::HashMap;
/// The module name and version
pub static CWE_MODULE: CweModule = CweModule {
name: "CWE426",
version: "0.1",
run: check_cwe,
/// Function symbols read from *config.json*.
/// The symbols are functions that change or drop privileges.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)]
pub struct Config {
symbols: Vec<String>,
/// Generate the CWE warning for a detected instance of the CWE.
fn generate_cwe_warning(sub: &Term<Sub>) -> CweWarning {
"(Untrusted Search Path) sub {} at {} may be vulnerable to PATH manipulation.",
sub.term.name, sub.tid.address
.tids(vec![format!("{}", sub.tid)])
/// Run the CWE check.
/// We check whether a function calls both `system(..)` and a privilege changing function.
/// For each such function a CWE warning is generated.
pub fn check_cwe(
analysis_results: &AnalysisResults,
cwe_params: &serde_json::Value,
) -> (Vec<LogMessage>, Vec<CweWarning>) {
let project = analysis_results.project;
let config: Config = serde_json::from_value(cwe_params.clone()).unwrap();
let mut cwe_warnings = Vec::new();
let mut privilege_changing_symbols = HashMap::new();
for symbol in config.symbols.iter() {
if let Some((tid, name)) = find_symbol(&project.program, symbol) {
privilege_changing_symbols.insert(tid, name);
let mut system_symbol = HashMap::new();
if let Some((tid, name)) = find_symbol(&project.program, "system") {
system_symbol.insert(tid, name);
if !system_symbol.is_empty() && !privilege_changing_symbols.is_empty() {
for sub in project.program.term.subs.values() {
if !get_calls_to_symbols(sub, &system_symbol).is_empty()
&& !get_calls_to_symbols(sub, &privilege_changing_symbols).is_empty()
(Vec::new(), cwe_warnings)